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Chapter One


     Alisa stumbled and nearly dropped the box she was carrying as she neared the landing to the second floor. “Come on girl,” she muttered to herself. “You cannot drop this box.” It was her only “fragile” box containing what few dishes she owned and the last one that needed to be brought up. She regained her grip and got one more step before Coldplay’s “Us Against the World” sang out from her pocket. Alisa balanced the box on the faded gray carpeted step and retrieved the phone out of her back jean pocket.

     “Babe where are you? You promised you would help today,” she complained immediately as she answered the phone, skipping over the hello.

     “Lis, I got called into work. Not much I could do about it.”

     Yeah right she thought. “Matt, you could have at least called or hell, answered when I called and texted you earlier.”

     Matt sighed heavily into the phone. “Not all of us are as attached to our phones as you are Alisa.”

     “I know that,” she grumbled. “Can you come by when you are done? I really want you to see my new place. Plus I miss you.”

     “Doubt it, it’s slammed here. I should really get back to work. I’ll try and call later.” Matt hung up before she could tell him she loved him. She realized as she picked back up the box that he didn’t say he missed her too.

     It has been a week since she’s seen him. Normally she wouldn’t stress over it. They were both adults with demanding jobs but she and Matt had been dating for over six months now. He could at least act like he missed her.

     Alisa balanced the box on her hip and opened the door to her new apartment. It was nothing fancy, just a one bedroom/one bath but it was all hers! Sure beat living with her brother Declan. She loved her older brother but it was time to be on her own. The sounds of whining greeted her as she entered her sparse apartment.

     “I’m coming boy,” Alisa called out. She added the box to the few on the floor and opened the bathroom door. She nearly got knocked down as her Australian shepherd, Curry, tore out of the room. “At least you missed me,” she muttered.

     Curry sped through the small apartment, checking each room for anything new before noisily lapping up water from his bowl. Alisa looked around her new place. She really needed to go shopping to spruce up the place. And buy more furniture, she thought as she peered at the two lonely armchairs in her living room. Those, her bedroom furniture and a TV stand were her only furnishing.

     Declan owned everything else. Not that she would’ve taken the scratched up tables or worn couch anyways. She at least had a small full set of dishware and more importantly a Keurig machine. Declan practically fought her for it. He finally caved when she threatened to get the receipt to prove she bought it.

     Alisa resigned herself to cleaning and unpacking her meager belongings. It was only eleven in the morning, so maybe she could knock out most of it and still have time to go out. If Matt was still too busy with work, she would call her best friend Angie and they would hang out.

     Curry whined and nudged her leg. Alisa glanced at the microwave. Two o’clock. Poor boy probably needed to go out. She grabbed his leash and took him for a quick walk around the small apartment complex. Once she returned with Curry, she took a look around. She was almost done unpacking except for her clothes and books. Sad really when she thought about it. Twenty-four years old and not much to show for it.

     It wasn’t like Declan was going to let her redecorate his place. Not that he’s a real pain or anything but when it came down to it, it was his place. When she had graduated a year and a half ago, she couldn’t afford her own place. Their parents lived outside Raleigh and she had gotten a job in the city and didn’t want to commute. Declan had moved there a year before and had a spare room and offered it to her. So she was very grateful for it. Plus it helped her save money too.

     Alisa finished unpacking the last box of books that would go in the living room and sent Angie a text. Angie was all for meeting up for drinks when she was done with work. Problem was that was still two hours away. Alisa hadn’t heard again from Matt. I’ll see if he’s done yet she thought. She scrolled through the numbers on her phone till she found his work number. She pressed it and waited for it to ring.

     “First Trust Bank, how can I direct your call?” a chipper voice answered.

     “Hi, Matt in IT please.”

     “Please hold.” Alisa waited through the bank’s infomercials while she was transferred but was surprised when the receptionist came back on. “I’m sorry, he’s not in today. Would you like his voicemail or perhaps someone else in IT can assist you.”

     “No that’s ok,” Alisa replied deflated. She hung up and stared at the phone. Matt said he got called into work, yet he isn’t there. He must be working from home then she realized belatedly. An idea struck her. She would leave early to meet Angie and swing in to surprise Matt for a glass of wine. Alisa turned and looked into her kitchen. No wine. Guess that is another stop I’ll have to make she mused.

     Alisa dried her coppery red hair with the blow dryer while she mentally planned her outfit. It had to be good. She wanted Matt to realize that he missed her as much as she was missing him. She had the perfect outfit planned. Her shimmery gold tank and her new white linen pants she picked up at Macy’s last week while shopping with her friend from work should do the trick. She laid the clothes on her bed and flipped open a box of shoes. Her Badgley Mischka gold heels would finish the outfit off great she realized.

     She left her hair down, only applying a dab of mascara for make-up and decided she was ready. It was a short drive to the Wine Cabinet to pick up some red wine, and then headed to Matt’s apartment. Alisa took the elevator up to the fourth floor and walked down to his door. After a quick wardrobe check to make sure everything was just right, she knocked on the door.

     It seemed like forever till she heard the deadbolt click and the door opened. But it wasn’t Matt. Standing before her was a tall bob-cut blonde wearing what Alisa assumed was one of Matt’s dress shirts and nothing else. Literally nothing else. Alisa could see the girl’s breasts through the shirt! Anna. The name clicked in her mind. Matt had introduced her to Alisa a few months ago at some work thing. They both stared at each other in shock. Seconds later Matt with his light brown hair completely disheveled, strolled out from the hallway that lead to his bedroom in only a pair of boxers.

     “How much is it?” he called to Anna as he flipped through his wallet.

     He thought she was the delivery guy. Alisa realized too late that the wine bottle was slipping from her grasp. It crashed on to the wood floor and shattered. Anna shrieked as it splashed on her.

     Matt finally glanced up and froze. Alisa turned and ran for the elevator. She heard him curse then call after her. She jabbed the elevator button and was thankful it opened immediately. She saw him come out into the hallway, careful not to step on any of the glass from the wine bottle.

     “Alisa just wait a minute.”

     “NO,” her voice thick with the tears she was holding back. “Leave me alone,” she demanded as she pushed the door close button till they closed. The shock wore off quick and she realized her pants and feet were soaked.

     “Crap! My new pants,” she cried out as she looked down at her now red, quickly turning pink and white linen pants. She could not believe what just happened upstairs but her wet pants were proof she didn’t imagine it. No wonder Matt bailed on her today. He was busy having sex with that tramp Anna. That bastard! Here she was pining over him and missing him while he was off getting off!

     Alisa ran to her small SUV and cried. Her phone rang moments after she got in. She figured it was Matt but it was Angie.

     “Forget drinks at the bar,” Alisa sobbed. “I need a whole bottle and ice cream.”

     “Oh no, what happened?”

     “Matt.” It came out as one big sob.

     “What did he do?” Angie’s voice was rich with concern. Alisa could hear her getting settled back at her desk. She must’ve been on her way out but stopped so she could give Alisa her full attention.

     “I’ll explain when you get to my place. Oh and pick up some wine. I broke the one I bought.”

     “What? Oh never mind, just tell me when I get there. You going to be ok till I do?”

     “Yeah. I think so.”





Chapter Two


     Alisa managed to get home with minimal crying spurts. She dragged herself up the stairs to her apartment. Once inside, she collapsed into one of the armchairs. Curry must have sensed her dismay, instead of begging to go out; he came over and laid his head on her lap.

     “That bastard,” she told Curry as she rubbed his white and rust colored fur. She just wished Angie would hurry up with that wine. Alisa wanted to forget what happened. She couldn’t even find the energy to change out of her ruined pants.

     She knew Angie would be able to help her. Alisa first met Angie during freshman year of college. They bonded instantly over dealing with a tough professor. Angie was there for Alisa just over a year ago when the guy Alisa had been dating, cheated on her. At least that time it wasn’t thrown in her face like with Matt.

     Knocking on the door broke Alisa out of her trance; Curry beat her to the door, tail wagging crazily. “It’s me and I have alcohol!” Angie chimed from the other side of the door.

     “About time,” remarked Alisa as she opened the door. Angie looked immaculate as always. She had on a sleek chestnut brown dress with a burnt orange jacket over top. Even her purse matched perfectly. It looked great against her olive skin. Her long silky brown hair framed her face perfectly.

     “Well I had to stop and get-” She cut herself off as she looked Alisa over. Her maple eyes went wide.  “Oh my god Alisa! What happened?”

     “I need wine before I whine,” Alisa attempted to smile but failed. She went straight to the kitchen to retrieve the glasses.

     “I got this hun,” Angie told her, taking the glasses from Alisa. “You go change out of those clothes.”

     Alisa did as she was told, just throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a tee shirt. She knew Angie wouldn’t care what she wore and had to admit that it felt good getting out of those ruined pants. She quickly rinsed off her feet in the tub to get the wine off and joined Angie in the living room.

     “You really need to get some furniture ASAP girl,” Angie said, handing her a glass of white wine.

     “Thanks. And I know but I have bigger problems than my lack of furniture.”

     “Spill!” Angie instructed as she kicked off her brown heels and curled her feet under her in the opposite armchair. Alisa did. She gave Angie a detailed retelling of the afternoon’s events. Angie grunted and cursed throughout the story. By the time Alisa was done, tears were once again streaming down her face.

     “Sweetie, that bastard is not worth your tears.” Angie insisted, looking around for some tissues. Not finding any, she ran into the bathroom for some toilet paper. After handing it to Alisa, she added “you’ll find someone else who will treat you better.”

     “I won’t,” Alisa sobbed. “I’m done with men!”

     “You don’t mean that,” Angie soothed, “just give it some time.”

     “No way. You know this is not the first time I have been cheated on Ang, but it certainly will be the last. As they say third time’s the charm!”

     “What do you mean third time? I know about Brian’s sorry ass and now Matt but who am I missing?” Alisa filled her in about Jake, a guy she had dated the beginning of her freshman year, a few months before meeting Angie, that cheated on her several times. Alisa assumed she had told Angie about him but guess not.

     “Not every man is a douche though Alisa. I’m not saying you need to go out tomorrow and find yourself another man, but you can’t give up entirely either.”

     “I’m over it Angie. Now where’s that ice cream?” Alisa knew Angie was right in a sense. When she dated in high school, she never had this problem. But considering her track record lately, she was giving up.

     Angie laughed and went to retrieve the Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream for her friend. She knew her friend was hurting and who could blame her. For now she would just distract Alisa and give her the comfort she needed and would tackle the no more guy thing later. They spent the rest of the time chatting about other things like work to get Alisa’s mind off of what happened. After ordering a pizza, they watched some Lifetime movies on TV till Angie finally called it quits and headed home for the night.

***      ***      ***

     Derek walked into his townhouse defeated. Yet another failed blind-date and another night alone. When will his friends learn what kind of woman he liked? He was no longer into the flighty girls that maybe when he was in college, he would hook up with for a one night stand. He was the big 3-0 this year. Derek was looking for someone he could have a real relationship with. Someone who could carry on a conversation during a meal that did not involve the latest pop-star’s screw ups.

     He grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed up to his office. If he wasn’t going to get any action tonight, he might as well get some work done.  Derek managed to get an hour’s worth of work done before his cell rang. He looked at the caller id, it was his little sister JoAnn.

     “Hey sis how’s it going?”

     “Fine, I wanted to see how your date went?”

     “Just like all the others. Total failure.”

     “You know I could always set-up you with one of my friends.”

     “No way,” Derek protested. “You did that back in high school and it was a disaster.”

     “That was then Derek. You need to try and have a second date with someone.” Derek was no stranger to relationships. He never seemed to be without one in high school and had his fun in college. But Derek was realistic too. He was getting older and wanted to start a family soon. The girls he’s met in probably the past year or two did not seem like they would even be close to what he was looking for.

     “Seriously Jo, you need to get a life and stop worrying about mine. You are getting as bad as Mom!”

     “Hey!” JoAnn scoffed, clearly insulted. “I am your pregnant sister who has been on bed rest for the past two weeks. Give me a break, will ya?”

     “Any new updates from the doctor?” Derek asked, hoping the change the subject. His two-year younger sister was already happily married and pregnant, due any day now. He would never admit it to her, but some days, especially like this, he was jealous of her. Derek never had trouble getting a date; it was getting a meaningful date that was his problem. It’s been over a year since his last serious relationship.

     “Just the same old shit, just different day. Just wish,” she grunted, obviously trying to get more comfortable, “this boy would decide to grace us with his presence. But stop trying to change the subject. Did you ever think you are being too picky?”

     “No,” Derek said defensively. “Is it really too much to ask to have a conversation over dinner that does not involve Miley Cyrus or the Kardashians? I don’t think so. I’m not saying I want to talk about ways to solve world hunger or anything that detailed. Just be nice to know that someone lives outside the world of TMZ.”

     “I’ll give you that one. But I’m sure they aren’t all like that.”

     The conversation dragged on for another fifteen minutes till luckily JoAnn had to go. Derek loved his little sister and knew she just wanted him to be as happy as she was with her husband Mark. But she needed to butt out a little. Thank goodness his nephew should be arriving any day now and that should take her mind off of his love life.

     Derek tried to get back into his work but finally gave up once he realized he reread the same page four times. He glanced at the clock, only nine o’clock. It would be quite sad to go to bed at nine, even if he did have a client meeting in the morning, he had to find something else to do. He went downstairs and figured no time like the present to get the dishes done.

     I really need more of a social life he thought as he dried the last dish. But where was he going to meet someone that he really enjoyed? Work was out of the question. He was only in the office building once a week if that, and those women he did know there were all taken. His friends have seemed to set him up with every available lady they knew and he still hasn’t found anyone. All the ladies he met out at the bars weren’t his type either. Maybe he would take JoAnn up on that offer to set him up with one of her friends.

     “Yeah when hell freezes over,” he muttered to himself as he went back upstairs. Guess it was another evening of Sports Center in bed.





Chapter Three


     The next morning was no picnic for Alisa. She woke to swollen eyes from the night before and the realization that she was really alone. Not only had she moved out of Declan’s place and living on her own for the first time but was now single too. She picked up her cell and felt the pang of disappointment when there were no texts or missed calls from Matt. That prick did not even try and talk to her with exception of when she ran from his doorway. Good riddance she thought as she threw on some clothes. Curry was already dancing at the door waiting for her.

     After taking Curry out, she felt almost out of sorts. She had off till Monday since she took a four day weekend to get moved in and settled. Alisa had hoped Matt would come and spend time with her; otherwise she would have only taken yesterday off. Oh well she thought, not like there weren’t things to do. After staring at an empty fridge for a few moments, she realized her first task of the day was to go to the market.

***      ***      ***

     Derek barely made it to his meeting on time. Traffic was horrible. With working from home most days, he tended to forget to add more time to accommodate for traffic. The meeting went well as usual, it was one of his favorite clients. Being a book editor, he got a chance to meet a lot of different people and read a wide variety of publication as well. This particular author wrote his favorite genre of books, sci-fi, so he would at least be able to enjoy his work with the new book the author had coming out.

     Originally this was not the job Derek intended to have while in college. He started out in education but after getting a job at a small publishing house his sophomore year, he changed his major. It was the best decision he’s made and grateful he was able to move up in the industry as quickly as he did.

     Later, Derek decided to see what his friends were going to be up to this evening, hoping they would be willing to leave their significant others home for a while, at least time for a beer or two. He refused to spend Friday night home alone. Most text back immediately with a definite on a beer at Baggot St. Irish Pub.

***      ***      ***

     Alisa finished up all her errands and curled into bed with her laptop. With all her email checked and bills caught up, she turned to chatting with friends via Facebook. It felt good to get it out about Matt. Having her friends angry about it with her helped. But now she was faced with deciding on going out tonight. Her girlfriends all wanted to take her out to cheer her up after hearing about Matt. Part of her wanted to go out and forget about him and the other part wanted to stay curled up in this bed with Curry. Finally after many persistent instant messages from Angie, she caved in.

     After a simple salad for dinner, Alisa prepared to go out. She took her time, indulging in a hot bath. It did its job and helped relax her. Now she stood in front of her closet. She knew she had to look good, even if they were just going to their usual hang out, Baggot St. She would never hear the end of end from Angie and her other girlfriends if she didn’t.

     Finally she pulled out a metallic gold tunic top, black skinny jeans and heeled boots. She debated on a jacket but it was still fairly warm out, the fall weather not quite here yet. Alisa rummaged in her jewelry box, wishing she had taken the time to go through it before she packed. She managed to untangle some gold gem drop earrings and decided that was enough. She would be there all night trying to find something else to match. After running Curry out, she hopped in her red Range Rover and headed to the pub.

***      ***      ***

     Derek loved Baggot St. Irish Pub, one of his favorite bars in the city. All the wood was a rich dark brown with the bar itself along the right wall with hanging lights and candles along the bar. The rest was filled with booths with think red cushions and matching tables and chairs. There was even a fireplace on the wall opposite of the bar. No matter the time of the day, there always seemed to be a decent crowd. He spotted his friend Reid almost immediately when he entered. Hard to miss the pretty boy look he had going on with his perfectly styled brown hair and dress clothes. He slapped him on the back and waved to the bartender. He looked like he belonged in Dublin. The bartender had copper red hair an inch or two long, short couple day growth beard and mustache, like Derek’s, to go along with it.

     Derek ordered himself a pint of Guinness and with Reid, joined the rest of their friends at their table a ways in. Weston and Tristan already had their brews and were arguing about last week’s football games. They stopped when Derek sat down. Weston gave him a weird look.

     “What?” Derek asked sipping his beer.

     “What happened last night?” Weston asked. This is why Derek hated being set up by friends. “Sara text me last night that you just left her at the restaurant.”

     “God,” Derek sighed. “She acts like I abandoned her. We drove separately so I left. She isn’t my type West. I’d think you would know that by now.”

     “I thought you wanted to get laid.”

     “Um yeah that would be nice but I would also like to like the girl too first.” The guys laughed.

     “Are we going to sit here and bitch about relationships all night? If so I’ll go back home to Suze,” Reid chimed in.

***      ***      ***

     Declan noticed Alisa as soon as she walked in. He excused himself from the other patrons and went to get her favorite dark ale ready.      “Here ya go sis,” he said as he handed it to her across the bar. “The girls beat ya here by a few; they’re in your usual booth.”

     “Thanks,” Alisa gave her older brother a small smile. It was great not having to wait to get served. She was about to join her friends when he reached out and stopped her.

     “Are you ok?” Declan asked, noticing something was not quite right with his sister. Maybe it was the way her shoulders seemed slumped or the way her smile hadn’t reached her eyes. Either way he knew something was bothering her.

     “Me and Matt broke up.”

     “Since when?”

     “Since I caught him with another girl yesterday.” She tried to sound like she didn’t care, but failed.

     “WHAT!” Declan shouted, a few people turned to look so he lowered his voice. “Go tell Angie you’ll join them in a minute and meet me in the back. I’ll get Amy over here to cover.”

     Alisa knew better than to tell Declan to mind his own business. He took his role as older brother very seriously, especially when it came to her dating life. She let her friends know she was there and that Declan wanted to talk to her. She met up with him in the back hallway near the restrooms and he held open a door.

     “Must be nice to leave whenever you want,” Alisa commented as she entered the small but neat office. Declan rounded the oak desk and plopped into the leather chair behind it.

     “Yup. Perks of being the boss.” Most patrons believed Declan is just a bartender. In actuality he owns the place. He bartended all through college while earning his Bachelor’s in business management. After graduating, he decided he liked bartending so much that he would open an Irish pub in honor of his heritage. “So tell me what happened.”

     Alisa did, as she recounted yesterday’s events, she watched Declan’s hazel eyes grew furious and the veins on his neck began to throb. “Why that little prick ass.” He acted as though he was going to stand up. Alisa was afraid he’d leave and go find Matt.

     “He’s not worth it Dec. Yeah he’s a prick but we’re done. I don’t need you fighting my battles for me.”

     “I know Alisa,” he sighed, sinking back into the chair. Alisa silently breathed a sigh of relief as the anger began to fade from his eyes. “I swear you have the worst luck with guys.”

     “Ha like your dating life is any better!” Alisa shot back.

     “Hey now I choose to be single remember. Makes hooking up way easier,” he smirked.

     “Eww!” She laughed, tossing a pen at him. “That is something I do not want to think about. I’m heading back out. Just don’t tell Mom ok? I don’t need another lecture from her.”

     “I won’t.” Declan stood and gave her a quick hug.

***      ***      ***

     Derek walked into the back hallway and was busy looking for which was the men’s room when a door across the hall opened. Someone bumped into him as they passed. She, he corrected himself as he turned to look. All he saw was long coppery flamed red hair that flowed down her shoulders and a nice butt snug in a pair of black jeans. He turned back around to see the bartender glaring at him.

     “Mind your eyes there mate,” he practically growled at Derek. Oops, Derek thought, guess he was ogling the man’s girlfriend.

     “Sorry Man,” Derek mumbled as he ducked into the bathroom.

***      ***      ***

     “I heard that and you don’t have to be so rude,” Alisa scolded Declan as he caught up to her.

     “What? He was staring at your ass.”

     “So what? He was probably only looking because I’m pretty sure I bumped him as I came out of your office.”

     “Doesn’t matter anyway. He’s probably just some jerk that you’ll end up balling your eyes over.”

     “You psychic now or something? Never mind don’t answer that. I’ll see you later.” Without giving her brother a chance to reply, Alisa headed back to her friends.

First 3 chapters of

"Worth the Wait"

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